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  • Registration Fee
    $48.99 $44.99/yr+

  • Renewal Fee

  • Transfer Fee

OnlyDomains is proud to offer registration services for .clothing domain names, which have been classified as domains.

The Greek philosopher Epictetus said “Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.” If you know that your website is fashionable, or involved with clothing in anyway, you can now adorn it with the trendy, new domain extension .Clothing. Perfect for both formal web presences and casual online meeting places, a .Clothing domain name will never go out of style, and is a highly practical way for your customers to find you online.

If your website is cut from a different cloth, order a .Clothing domain name now!

Domain Name Registration Information

  • Registration time: Instant*
  • Sunrise open date: 26-Nov-2013
  • Sunrise close date: 24-Jan-2014
  • Landrush open date: 29-Jan-2014
  • Landrush close date: 04-Feb-2014
  • Status: Available for registration
  • (*to existing customers)

Domain Renewal and Transfer Pricing

Transfer your existing domains to OnlyDomains and keep everything controlled in one simple and easy to manage account.

Please note that in some extensions activating a transfer will renew your domain therefore a renew fee will be charged when placing your transfer order. After the transfer is processed, your domain name will be updated with the new expiry date.

Transfer procedures vary, so don’t hesitate to contact our Support team for any clarification on how to transfer your domain(s) to OnlyDomains.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process for .clothing domains, don't hestitate to contact us.

Popular Commerce Shopping Domains

.church $44.99
.city $33.99
.claims $78.90
.cleaning $55.90
.click $13.99

.CLOTHING Domain Name Options

Register Domain Renew Domain Transfer Domain WHOIS Search
  • Support Done Right

    Having problems with your domain? It might sound crazy,
    but our support team is legitimately happy and helpful.

    Create a ticket, start a chat, give us a call, and we'll fix
    your issue post-haste.

    Or, if you're the hands-on type, our knowledge base
    has just about all the information you'd ever need

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